Introducing The Enchanted Heart Wisdom Oracle Council

In a magical land dwell 13 wise women masters who have great teachings to share . They are here to help ignite and delight and re-enchant and enhance every area of your life. This powerful tool of transformation that is unlike anything you have ever experienced.

A Unique Heart Centered System of Divination , Innitiation and Education that helps you access your inner wisdom and transform your life with Ease, Creativity and Beauty.

Which Wise Woman Oracle that has a message for you?

Click on one or more cards and read the poem you find there

My session with Rhianne has had a major, positive impact in my life! her Enchanted Heart Wisdom Counciling system is a unique and powerful contribution to the world of spiritual awakening. Rhianne’s adept guidance through the process let me transform a painful emotional conflict I had been carrying for decades. Thank you Rhianne and thank you to the Wise Women of the council!.
— Dawn DelVecchio, Priestess, Author, Mentor and host of Return of the Priestess Sumitt.
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